ssential information for new Greatham residents
This section provides a link to all the information that new residents might need.
The calendar of events and organised activities are events which normally take place within the village and this welcome pack assumes that life will at some point return to normal after the Covid 19 lockdowns. If there is anything you think we should include please use the contact details for Greatham Residents Association to let us know. Many thanks, Greatham Residents Association.
Please follow the link to our WELCOME PACK.
Also, the following leaflets provide further information…………………..
Community Centre Waste and Recycling info Subscribe to “The Beck”
Dog Boarding service Concessionary travel Scheme Doorstep Crime
Hartlepool Community Safety Team (01429 523100 email
For those interested in local walks, the following leaflets provide details of walks in and around the Hartlepool area, including Greatham.
The Bellow Burns Tread Ramble in the Dene Headland Sea Watch
Three Village Ramble Wild West Figure of 8 Park to Park
Dalton Piercy Discovery Greatham Getaway Seaton Snooks Stroll