Greatham in Bloom is a small but dedicated band of volunteers. Our aim is to enhance the village environment through the effective use of flowers, shrubs and trees. Each year we enter the Northumbria in Bloom competition in the “mid-sized village” category. In 2014 we were the proud winners of a Gold Medal and this was followed with further success in 2015 with the award of another Gold Medal. To top this we were awared a Gold and winner of best village in 2018.
There is always room for more volunteers, whether you could look after a flower tub or a bed near your home or maybe spare an hour or two to join a working party. Every little helps!
If you would like to become involved please contact any member of the committee.
The objectives of the Bloom Group are:-
*To liaise and work with all interested people, agencies and parties to improve the environment, appearance and image of Greatham.
* To support and encourage residents, landowners, businesses and the local authority to value and improve the environment of Greatham.
* To identify areas in Greatham for developing into attractive spaces using green, floral or hard landscaping as appropriate.
* To support and encourage the ideal of a litter and graffiti free environment
*To encourage a proper pride of place