Meetings are held in the Community Centre and are open to the public unless the council directs otherwise.
Minutes of the meetings will be posted below once they have been approved.
The Parish Council Policy Documents are also provided at the bottom of this page. In addition, the Parish Council annual audit documents are provided below.
Your Councillors
Greatham Ward (Note: all councillors are required to provide a declaration of personal interests. These can be viewed by clicking on each name)
Margo Simmonds, 3A West Row, Greatham, TS25 2HW
Chris Gray, 14 West Row, Greatham
Brian Walker, 29 The Grove, Greatham, TS25 2HN
Allan O’Brien, 9 Station Road, Greatham TS25 2EZ
Beverley Richardson, 63 Mildenhall Close, Fens, Hartlepool
Stephen Smith, 1 Hill View, Greatham
1 Vacant seat
Parish Council Clerk:
The Clerk to Greatham Parish Council is Mr John Cunliffe of 15 Blackton Road, Elwick Rise, Hartlepool TS26 0QG, tel: (01429) 756401, e-mail: Correspondence for the Parish Council should be directed to the above address.
Minutes Available to Download
NOTE: recent minutes will be uploaded in the near future. (message 20.9.24)
(Note: as from May 2017 minutes also include a financial statement)
May 2017 Annual Parish Meeting
Policy Documents
Freedom of information requests
2017 Annual audit documents